Monday, 24 October 2011

The Importance Of Technology In The Modern World

Innovative ideas are been thought of all around us and the need for technology and invention is an ever lasting thing but what is the real importance of technology in the modern world? Our world and the people around would once be happy with what nature provided but we have changed the world so much we will never be able to go back to those days. Modern civilization relys on technolgy, thus it is very important to all of us; we are all part of the modern civilization.

The world and its ecconomy rely on technology for everything from communication to travel and engineering... technolgy and its constant evolution is what keeps the world and the human race ticking over.

Here is a video that sums up technology and its importance to us!

1 comment:

  1. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Just keep writing this kind of posts.The time which was wasted in traveling for tuition now it can be used for studies.Thanks


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