Monday, 24 October 2011

New Technology - Do You Need An Invention Patent?

Have you just invented a new technology or a new product? Well if so it may be a good decision to send of for an invention patent before you tell anyone about your new technology.

As an entrepreneur, you may have 100's of ideas for services, businesses and products but you only need that one special idea and some work and youve got yourself a great business with a high money making pottential. Now thats what we all want as entrepreneurs but many young entrepreneurs are so hyped over there new technology that they dont think there business plan threw and they rush into things. Rushing in business and entreprenurship is not good, so before you tell anyone about your business idea or new technology apply for an invention patent. An invention patent can cover your idea and legally stop anyone else from stealing it; Becouse we all know business is alot easier and more profitable without competition, and if its your idea in the first place... you shouldnt have any competion.

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